What is your favourite browser for iPhone or iPad? What features make it your top choice?
I love the tab bar to the moon and back. Every other browser is just Safari with an asterisk, since Apple makes everybody use WebKit.
I don’t use Chrome on any of my devices, so I’m not worried about missing out on sync. The fewer Google products I use, the better.
Firefox. I love how it integrates with Firefox on the other half dozen devices and computers I use daily.
Safari because all other “browsers” are basically wrappers for Safari and yes even Google Chrome.
lol is someone just downvoting anyone who doesn’t use brave? i don’t use brave, come downvote me
Used to use firefox until it somehow became shit and was forced to change to safari. Super annoying. Used to be a great app.
WebKit. It’s all WebKit.
Safari. I know a lot of people don’t like the UI but I do. It also is the most performant of the three big ones and it’s not a google product, so I don’t have to worry about it getting killed tomorrow.
I use Safari but if Firefox was like how it is on Android with addons then I’d be using that instead.
Chrome, safaris ui sucks so much I cant stand it. I also feel like its considerably slower.
Chrome is literally using the same tech. All browsers on iOS are basically just Safari with a different UI.
Same… blocks all YouTube ads